What is TEREP?

Are you ready for a shock? This year you'll read nearly 500 pages. That's a lot, isn't it? Don't worry! You'll read like you do in Japanese: for information and for fun. No translating every word and every sentence -- you don't have time!

What will you read? Books. Real books, not textbooks. Books of humour, mystery, romance, adventure, science fiction: we have over 200 books to choose from. And these books, called graded-readers, are great for studying English:

Where and when do you read? Some books we'll read in class, but most books you'll read yourself. Get a book from the library, then read it anytime, anyplace. And don't finish a book you don't like -- choose another!

How much do you read? The goal is to read over 400 pages, or about 1 book a week. To show what you've read and how many pages, there are two special papers you'll keep in your notebook:

  • tell what a book is about & how you liked it
  • write in English or Japanese
  • be brief -- write for about 10 minutes
  • three reports each month (but more, if you like!)
  • the title, type, publisher and level
  • a one-letter evaluation
  • pages read -- real and weighted

How about grades? The more you read, the higher your mark. That's it. No tests. No translating. Just keep count of the number of pages you read -- even if you didn't finish a book. (There'll also be occassional interviews with the teacher about some of the books you've read. And, of course, misbehavior in-class jeopardizes any and all marks.)

So, go to the library, find the books you like, and read read read!


In the library