Download niconko bingo maker for Windows

Download niconiko bingo maker for OS X

How-to videos for getting started with niconiko bingo maker

Contact niconiko

Easily & Quickly Create...

Bingo cards... image or text

Prompt cards... for calling out bingo

Picture cards... large-size, with or without text

With 1000's of images to choose from

Designed by a teacher for teachers

"Your software is brilliant! I love well written stuff. My wife does the artwork for some flashcards, and I uploaded everything and printed a bingo card out in less than 2 minutes from opening your software. VERY user friendly. Directions not needed."
Aaron Anderson,

"There is nothing like your software on the Japanese market!"
Lynne, teacher

"Your software is perfect for our style of teaching kids (and even adults!)"
Thian Wong, school owner

" Great stuff! Thanks a lot!!"
Bob Jones, teacher and author

Price : 8000 yen

And first-time buyers of niconiko bingo maker also get the image web-service plus any upgrades for one year -- a 2000 yen value -- free.

Images available
Four versions of every image